Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 months old

 Happy 5 months old to me!!

 *I am officially unswaddled and wearing sleep sacks at night. Although it helps me to nap when my legs are swaddled.
*I have rolled over back to belly and back to belly! Mommy is afraid that I am going to be a rolling machine! A couple of weeks ago I rolled over twice in a row!!
*I scoot across the floor on my belly- I can easily scoot around 5 feet to get a toy. I am beginning to do the army crawl. I also spin in half circles on my belly.
*I can stand on my own while leaning against the couch. My legs are super strong and I can do Papa's Iron Cross for a long time and even Bop like a Baby on his lap for a long time! Also, I can sit like a tripod for a couple of seconds. I can sit up in my Boppy for longer.
*I am sleeping in my big girl crib in my own room for naps and bedtime.
*I prefer to sleep on my belly just like mommy- even with my legs in the same position! I roll over to my belly within minutes of being put in my crib.
*I am still napping 3-4 times a day (most in my pack n play) depending on what time I wake up in the morning. My naps tend to last anywhere from 30 min- 1 hour (if lucky). I am still taking a small cat night around 7 and waking around 8ish for my last feeding. The best way to get me to take a nap is to put me in my sleep sack, give me my paci, turn on my noise machine, cradle me and swing me back and forth while patting my back. It also helps when mommy sings "Snugglepuppy" to me. This makes me pass out in minutes!
*I go to bed around 8 pm. I am usually waking up once a night to feed but if I don't get a good feeding before I go to bed I wake up twice during the night. I am usually up for the day around 8 am (that again depends on my bedtime and when I wake up to feed).
*I am still breastfeeding. I am beginning to really take interest in what mommy eats. I follow food from the plate to her mouth and even chomp my lips a little.
*While on my belly, I can push my butt up into the air and I can also move my legs into a crawling position (just can't figure out my arms yet).
*I still love my pacifier and I love playing with it! I am starting to put my pointer finger in the paci hole when it's in my mouth and it looks like I am sucking both my paci and finger!
*I am smiling all the time when people smile at me. I love it when people talk in high voices and LOVE when mommy says "hiiiiiiiiiii", "mamamama," and "dadadada."
*I am giggling pretty hard when people play with me too!
*I am cooing a lot.
*I am beginning to play with toys. I can grab onto and pick up all my baby toys. I really love the toys mommy puts in my car seat. My favorite toys are my pacifier, teething rings, play gym, exersaucer and mortimer the moose.
*I love being held on a hip facing out so that I don't miss any action! I love watching my brother and sister!
*I am still a very happy and easy going baby! Mommy and Daddy say I am a little angel :)
*My clogged tear duct has unclogged on it's on! YEA!!!!!!!!!!! No more goopy left eye :)


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