Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anna Talk

Anna is talking more and more and it is so fun! She has such a great vocabulary that you catch on to pretty quickly after spending some time with her getting used to her language. I'd say she is saying close to 75 words (now they aren't perfectly phonically said but come on- she's only 22 months- I could barely say some words correctly at 4... even at 24!!)

She has for a while been saying short phrases: "I go _____", "I do _____" "I like _____" but lately she has been having active conversations with me!

For example, today in the car while looking at a book she makes a fishy noise and says her word for circles, "cird." While at a stoplight I look at the book and say that the fishy is blowing circle bubbles. She asks me, "like A?" I say, "Yes. just like Anna!" And then she adds, "in da pool?"

What fun this age is! She is beginning to be quite the chatterbox! Oh and we have tons of conversations that bystanders would think.... does this mother REALLY know what this child is saying? And both Anna and I would say, YEP- we sure do!!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love the talking stage. So much fun! Just think, you get to do this all again in less than two years when Anna is such a big girl. :) Believe it or not, you may enjoy it even more the second time around! I am!

