Sunday, January 22, 2012


The last couple of days Anna has been quite the chatter box when she gets in her crib for her nap. Such a chatterbox that 3 days in a row she decided to stay in her crib, awake, chatting away for over 2 1/2 hours each day instead of sleeping. I prefer that she sleep during that time but if she doesn't it's not the end of the world, she just goes to bed early. BUT she still stays in her crib for at least 2 hours; sometimes more if mommy needs a longer break!

And during this "quiet time" she usually calls out my name. A LOT.

Well the funniest thing happened yesterday about an hour into her nap....

Anna: "Mommy!?"
Me: Quiet... no way am I getting her yet.
Anna: "Mommy!?"
Me: Quiet... still not getting her

Anna: "Daddy!?"
Daddy: zzzzzzzzzz... he was napping!

Anna: "Daddy!?"
Daddy: still napping.

After about 5 minutes, her calling changed....

Anna: "Mommy!?"
Anna: "Mommy!?"
Anna: "Jan-ny!?"
Anna: "Jan-ny!?"

Yep; she decided that since Mommy wasn't working that she would try Jenny. What a HOOT!

So for a minute or so I sat on the couch CRACKING up. It was too cute.

Cute enough for me to go in her room; of course not! Sure enough, 45 minutes later she was out for an even later afternoon nap! Which = a longer break for Mommy!

Much Love,

PS. She started calling me Jan-ny a couple weeks ago and I just ignore her while laughing to myself. She also calls Rob by his name and both of us "babe," and "honey." It's pretty darn cute!

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