Monday, January 30, 2012

the "Baby" Hoarder

To say Anna loves all her babies is an understatement. She ADORES them!

EVERY morning and EVERY evening all 12 of them are piled into her baby pack n play and carried either down/up the stairs. (And Ashley is usually on my other hip). Yes, she has a DOZEN lovies and every single one of the make the trip downstairs in the morning to play and upstairs at night for bedtime....

It is becoming so full and so heavy that there is a rip in the pack n play that Anna keeps saying "mom" (my mom) will fix. I tell her we have to put less babies in it and I get a huge, "Mommy, please no!"

At night they all have their special place they sleep and she goes through this ritual pretty religiously....

Their proximity to her at night time pretty shows their order of importance to her...... Lambie, Daddy's Lambie and Bunny sleep right next to her on her pillow in the crib. Barney, Baby Bop and Riff sleep at the foot of her crib. BJ, turtle and baby's turtle sleep in the bassinet rocker. Frosty the snowman sleeps on the top bunk of the bunk beds (no one sleeps on the bottom). And big and little Aerial both sleep in the pack n play. And it's like this EVERY night. Not Kidding.

And if it was up to her she would feed each one a bottle before bed while rocking them to sleep. But Rob and I speed up the process (I know bad mom and dad but it would literally take her an hour to put them all to bed) by getting as many of the in their spots before she notices. We usually leave her one or two to tend to.

Our little girl sure is a good mommy but I don't think she needs any more lovies! (too bad Valentine's Day is around the corner.... I bet another one will be added to the collection!)

Much Love,

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