Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blah and more blah....

My week in a glance... remember my earlier post about how we usually don't get sick? Well I totally jinxed myself!

Tuesday: Anna and Ashley wake up in their puke. You would think they were sick but they were all smiley. Took a bath and the rest of the day was as if nothing had happened. Call to the doctor... probably a stomach bug. Come in if they get a fever or dehydrated.
Wednesday: Ashley starts to show signs of being sick from the other end...... you get my drift? The diaper fully exploded in her footed pajamas and I got it all over my pants. LOVELY.....Another bath.... Anna appears fine.
Thursday: Anna pukes all over the car. Anna is now sick out both ends.... Another bath.... Ashley appears fine. Another call to doctor. Sounds like they still have stomach bug. Come in if they get a fever or dehydrated.
Friday: Ashley joins in the puke fest and happily pukes in my mouth while playing. She continues to have lovely diapers. Rob wakes up feeling sick. Another bath.... Anna appears to be fine.
Saturday: Both girls have potty issues. I am at the point where Daddy is now in charge of changing diapers- I can't handle it anymore. Another bath.... At least we didn't have puke... fingers crossed for tonight! Call to Dr Laura (my sister in law). Give them yogurt and pedialyte (oh did we ever!!!). Check for dehydration.

So what will tomorrow bring? Hopefully 2 little girls who have been healed through the power of pedialyte, yogurt and bland food (new-new's like ma's! aka noddles!) AND no bath's! (We usually give 2-3 a week during the winter so this everyday thing is really wearing me out!)

Luckily throughout this both girls have been in REALLY good moods, smiley, laughing and wanting to play. It's amazing how resilient little ones are..... It's the momma who is the one who is exhausted; at least I have managed to stay well.... for now at least :)

Much Love,

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