Sunday, January 8, 2012

11 months old

 Happy 11 months old to ME!
Here is what I have been up to this month

*I am sleeping really well; napping twice a day. No changes since last month.
*I am still breastfeeding. Mommy is getting ready to cut down 4 feedings a day to 3. I don't eat much during my 2nd and 3rd feeding these days. I am becoming more of a picky eater with vegetables and meat then I have been in previous weeks/months. My favorite foods are nutrigrain bars, yogurt, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, cheese, ham, bread and hummus. I probably eat the best at breakfast time. I can use a big girl sippy cup just like Anna.
*I am walking really well. I started off the month being able to take 5 or so steps on my own (and pretty wobbly) and now I can consistently get from one spot to another without falling. I started the month only walking when I felt like it and now you can stand me on the ground and I will normally take off. This month I also started stand up and sit down (with ease)without holding on to anything.
*I love going up the stairs and believe it or not I have gone down 2 stairs by myself!
*I love to laugh. Mommy says it's one of her favorite things about me. I giggle at people all the time; especially when dancing or singing to music. Speaking of singing, I LOVE the kareoke machine and will even sing into it. I love hearing myself!
*I point to EVERYTHING and am starting to point my finger up in the air when someone asks me how old I am going to be!
*The word "ouch" makes me crack up; especially when Grama says it- we bonk heads!
*I am making all sorts of sounds but haven't really put together an official word yet. I say mama, dada, ho ho ho, uh oh and a couple others.
I have started to brush my teeth this month even though I only have 3 teeth. I really like brushing with Anna.
*I love our kitchen cabinets and lately I have been opening them and finding my favorite foods and then walking them to mommy or daddy so that they can open them for me. most of the time they just put the food back. BOO!
*I do the funniest thing with my tongue- almost a clucking with me lips that sounds like "blah-blu blah-blu blah-blu." Maybe mommy will upload the video someday. I am also doing funny face/hog nose ALL.THE.TIME (And so is Anna :))
*Anna likes to copy me and act like a baby. We have so much fun now; I can't imagine all the fun we will have when I am one!
*My favorite toys are anything that Anna has or just got down playing with. And I LOVE books!!!! I also love anything that can fit in my mouth, anything that lights up and makes noises. I am starting to grow an attachment to my bear lovey blanket.
*I still use my pacifier but mostly just for when I sleep or when it is getting close to bedtime. It has helped with teething a little.

It was a great month centered mostly around walking and Christmas!

Mommy says that in a month we are going to have a huge party to celebrate the day I was born with my family and friends. I can't wait!


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