Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Anna Conversations

Some of the recent conversations that I am LOVING overhearing or having with Anna:

While reading Bearenstein Bears Scared of the Dark
Anna: "Why scaaaared?
Daddy: Not wanting to say because it's dark; not wanting her to become scared of the dark says, "They checked out a scary book"
Anna: "Why scaaaared?"
Daddy: "They saw a spooky part in the book."
Anna: "pooky. scaaared. Why?"
Daddy: "They heard a noise that sounded like wind."
Anna: "Wat? Why?"
Daddy: "The wind was making noises."
Anna: "Huh?"
Daddy: "The wind was hitting things and making weird noises that scared the bears."
Anna: "Oh, why?"

And it goes on and on an on :)

And this one shows just how much she knows her Peanut!

Mommy: "Say goodbye to Ollie and let's go inside; it's cold."
Anna: "Ollie. Home. Wid Me?"
Mommy: "Oh no. Ollie can't come home."
Anna: "Oh. P?"
Mommy: "Yes. Because of Peanut."
Anna: "Oh. P woof woof?"
Mommy: "Yes, Anna. Peanut would bark. You sure do know your Peanut!"
Anna: "Yeaaaaahhhhh." With a  HUGE smile!

And I love when she is playing with her dolls and I tell her that she is such a good mommy. I then tell her it's such hard work being a mommy and that I'm impressed with her. She then ALWAYS gives me a huge exhale "Yeahhhhhhhh!" It's cracks me up every time because it seems like she's thinking, "yeah mommy, if you only knew how hard being a mommy was you'd understand........"

Much Love,

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