Saturday, November 12, 2011

Emily's Wedding Weekend

Last weekend was one of my best friend's wedding. I have known Emily since the 6th grade and it was great being part of her wedding. Rob and I joined the gang out in St. Louis (kids free- yeah!) for a weekend of fun fun fun! Emily was glowing the entire weekend and so was her hubby-to-be, Mike Harris! It's crazy how we are all growing up, have real jobs, getting married, and starting families. WOW! Here is just a quick recap of the 500 plus pictures Rob/I took that weekend!

The Bridal Party after the Rehearsal at Soulard Preservation Hall
Ali (one of my best friends since high school) and our escort Lawrence! Ali wanted to escort both of us... he didn't really understand the joke :)
Party of the Parents Weekend!
The stud I married almost 3 years ago.
The rehearsal dinner at Lowellens Pub (aka awesome pretzels and wings!!) Emily and Mike were dating over 6 years before this date!
The Bride and me! Please don't judge my side ball.... I told the hairdresser to do whatever she wanted to do..... you should have seen the first updo... sexy librarian does NOT fit this lady :)
The three curly Q's..... well only one that day. Ali's hair was also straightened and she was a beaming Sarah Palin all night :)
Where are our curls?!?!?
Under the "hoopa"
Jumping the Broom!
Rob had ring bearer duty during the pictures :)
Notice no side ball??????????? Yeah- it had fallen out by dinner..... so bun time!
We love you Mr and Mrs. Harris!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. you looked beautiful!!!!!!! such great memories made at weddings :)
