Tuesday, November 8, 2011

9 months old

 Happy 9 months old to me!

Here's what I've been up to this past month!

*I am saying some words: Mama, Dada, Baba, Papa, YaYa, Hi and LOTS of other babbles.
*I am sleeping pretty well. Since I no longer need a 3rd nap, we start my bed routine around 6:30 (I am almost always asleep by 6:45) and sleep until 6:30ish. Sometimes I wake up beforehand but fall back asleep pretty quickly. Mommy is starting to refuse to get me before 6:15/6:30. Sometimes I wake up sporatically during the night crying but can calm myself down most of the time.
*Napping is going alright. I nap every 3 - 3 1/2 hours after I last wake up; one mid morning and one mid afternoon nap. They last anywhere from 30 min- 1 1/2 hours; normally around 50 minutes. mommy wishes they'd last longer but since I sleep so long during the night, she's not too concerned.
*This month I tried some new food (mommy is still making it): black plums, carrots (my least favorite so far), white potato, cauliflower, raspberries and ground turkey. I am eating more and more food using my fingers; bananas, tofu, avocado, raspberries, gerber puffs. I also love to gnaw on apples but we have to be REALLY careful because even with no teeth I can bite pieces off! I am also trying to eat with a spoon. I always reach and grab mommy's when she's feeding me so she is starting to let me try on my own. She just hates how messy I get :) I also get REALLY impatient when I have to sit and watch others eat; Mommy just gives me some fingerfood and that usually takes care of the shrieking!
*I am eating 7 times a day; alternating breast milk (4 times)with solid pureed food or soft fingerfood (breakfast, lunch, dinner) every 2 hours. I am still breastfeeding.
*I still love my paci. Mommy doesn't let me have it that much during the day but I get it all the time when i nap and sleep!
*Everyday my personality is getting more and more loveable. I am a sweet girl who thinks my sister is hilarious!! My giggle is too cute- I do a DEEP belly laugh! I am also VERY ticklish pretty much anywhere you tickle me!
*I sleep on my belly; just like mommy. When I get placed in my crib I roll from my back to my side almost immediately.
*My favorite toys are anything that Anna has, my play table and the light up mini piano.
*I will play peek a boo by hiding behind something and peeking out with a HUGE smile! I will also play it with a blanket.
*I love books; reading them, chewing on them, turning pages in them. I LOVE books!
*Climbing on everything- mommy literally can't take her eye off me or I beeline to the stairs, to Anna's potty, to Anna's rocky rock chair or to get Anna's crocs.
*Walks awesome on the walk and ride; across the room
*When mommy says tap,tap tap or pat, pat, pat I pat the ground or table. I also clap when she says clap )or when I get excited) and wave a VERY excited "hi"
*I climbed from the bottom of Grammy and Poppy's stairs ALL the way to the top.
*Mommy's favorite thing that I do is that I squish up my nose and make dog panting noises through my nose..... I breathe out of my nose so funny when I am trying to move/crawl/shimmy around quickly.
*I still do not have any teeth but it looks like one is going to break through my gums ANY DAY!
*I have just started to give open mouth kisses. I also smack my lips together (and make the kissing sound "muah") when mommy does during a kiss and am starting to also do it every time she says kiss.


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