Wednesday, November 23, 2011

26 months old

Happy 26 months old to me!

Most of what I am doing os the same as last month, but here are some highlights of the last month on me!
*I LOVE apples, rotisserie chicken
*I am talking more clearly and in semi-sentences. I still do a lot of "Anna talk" and people are amazed at how much mommy and daddy understand me:)
*I prefer to take my pants, panties off, climb up on the potty without a stool or potty seat, pee or poop on my own, wipe (not poop though), get off the potty, put on my panties and pants ALL BY MYSELF> Please don't help me or I will have to start all over from the beginning.
*I still LOVE reading, dancing and music. I am even starting to sing songs with mommy; SnugglePuppy, Justin Bieber  Baby and Baby it's cold outside are my favs to sing right now. The rest I just lip sing.
*I love telling mommy and daddy NOW. I say it really nicely, but it is usually what I want to do at that moment. I am also really good at saying please and thank you at the appropriate times. I am also working on "I'm sorry" with Ashley.
*I call our Christmas tree a HOHO tree. I absolutely LOVE Otter, our elf. Christmas just ROCKS!!!
*My hair is still our of control. When mommy tries to do a ponytail I tell her "OUCH, it hurts!" I am actually really into saying "ouch" when anyone touches me when I don't want to be touched- even if it's the lightest tough. I'm also really into saying "belly hurts" before I have to go poop.
*My favorite toys are books, little people, dolls,  and of course Lambie, Baby Bop, Bunny and Daddy's Lambie. I also love my kitchen.
*Some of my favorite songs are still Baby, We are little Robots, Dancing Queen, Honey Honey, Hot Dog Dance, Baby Bop Hop and the Twist.
 *I love to paint, color and do stickers!
*When I see more of one thing, I start to count. I still don't say 1 or 2; I start with 3. I say thee, four, ive, six, ate, nine, den! (3,4,5,6,8,9,10!)
*Mommy thinks it's the cutest when I tell thing I love them; I say "I you!" She really loves that lately I have started saying "Mommy, I you!" "Baby, I you!" "Daddy, I you!" "Otter, I you!" She also thinks it's cute when I tell someone to move by saying "beep beep!" 
*I call grandma "mom" because that is just what mommy does :)

I sure have so much fun being 2!!!


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