Monday, September 19, 2011

WW Update

35 pounds down- WOOT WOOT! 7 more to go until I reach my Weight Watcher goal weight; 15 more to go until I reach my personal weight goal. It's been 6 months since joining and I am happy to say that I am fitting into my old fat jeans that I wore at my skinniest! They are a bit tight, but they zip and button- that counts, right? It hasn't been easy, but I have stuck with the program.... Now I'm ready to zap the last of it and get working out!

As for any other news in my life I read a book. Yup- you read that right. I actually did something for myself (that rarely, wait, NEVER happens these days). I read "The Help" and totally recommend it to anyone. the problem though with me and reading is that once I start a good book I never want to put it down. So it consumed every childless minute of my life the last 2 weeks... during nap time and after they went to bed nothing got done because I was glued to the book. It was fun for the time being but it compiled a MASSIVE to do list and thank god no one called to see the house.... speaking of the house, will someone just buy it already?!?!?! The next thing on my list of what to do for me.... see the movie!

Much Love,


  1. Congrats! Looking good, Momma! :)

  2. 35 pounds in 6 months is fantastic! I say "ditto" to Bets' comment.
