Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pulling Up

Crib is officially lowered. Baby Gates have been pulled back out.

Not only is the little girl crawling BUT she is also pulling herself up on just about anything; our legs, play tables, her crib and even trying to pull up on couches.She has no problem crawling over ANYTHING too!

I had a horrible feeling the other night that I would wake up to a BANG if we didn't lower the crib soon. That had me pretty restless.....

Mother's Instinct- thank GOD it kicked in because look what I walked into today....

Yep- she is standing in the crib and she did that all by herself. TOO close for comfort- my stomach turned thinking what could have happened if we had been two days late. Luckily that wasn't the case and I got to stand in amusement of my little climbing monkey!

I can't believe how fast my baby girl is growing up.... I just wish she'd be a little more cuddly and less worried about everything going on around her. Not kidding her eyes are constantly glued to Anna!

Much Love,


  1. Whoa! At first my prediction was she would be walking by Christmas, I think I may move that up to Thanksgiving! :)

  2. oh jeez- SLOW DOWN!!!!! Who knows- she might be a long crawler. We will see :)
