Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One tired Momma

I don't know what's causing it (besides the fact that she's a little baby) but my little girl is not sleeping the best and she has one tired momma! But one thing is for sure...... she has no problem sleeping when I hold her :)

Maybe it's her cold , her ear ache, her diaper rash, a possibly 6 month growth spurt, not having me home during the day or maybe it's the fact that she is becoming more social and knows that we are in the same room (I need the weather to get warm so she can sleep in her own room!!!) but GOD PLEASE do not be because she has grown accustomed to me baby-ing her through her cold the past 2 weeks. She was such a great sleeper up until she turned 4 months old, and even up to when she get her cold 2 weeks ago, but it just seems like she is sleeping less and less (even though with her naps, she is getting around 14 hours of sleep a day which is perfectly fine for 6 month olds!) We have tried feeding her cereal and real food- she is even eating breakfast AND dinner now!

Maybe it's the fact that I am back to work that I am so tired. Yesterday I had to have a sub come in for me because I couldn't deal with 8th graders on 5 hours of sleep...... 16 days down.... 29 to go!

Ugh! She sure did spoil us during her first 4 months of sleeping :) Pacifier, get ready- we are going to try you once again!!!

Any suggestions????

Much Love and ZZZZ's,


  1. After raising 3 kids, I don't have an answer for you. Just sympathy. It's very tough! If she keeps it up you may have to make her cry it out by not going to her or feeding her, and that will be even tougher, although maybe only for a few nights. Love 'ya,

  2. Molly wrote a post about the exact same thing this week ... and her little one is 15 months old! I hope it gets better soon for both of you :)
