Monday, March 29, 2010


I finished my pink medicine (mommy calls it amoxicillian) last Friday. Well..... starting last Tuesday night I was getting rashes/hives that would appear, disappear and then reappear again behind my ears when mommy would feed me- she thought they were there because of my ear rubbing my neck..... BUT then on Thursday I was getting rashes behind my knee, on my arms and my neck too! Come Friday, they were on my belly. And come last night almost ALL my body was covered in them (mommy says around 1/4 of my body including my ENTIRE bottom!). The rashes REALLY like the area of my body that is warm and they appear there!! They don't itch or anything and I am in a great mood, but mommy and daddy took me to the doctor this morning to get them checked out!

Well it turns out that I might like the way the pink stuff tastes, but my body doesn't like the pink stuff in it. They think I am ALLERGIC to it because I have hives!!!!! I guess my Uncle Tom is allergic to the pink stuff too- maybe I inherited that from him! They also think I may be allergic to sweet potatoes (highly unlikely they say) so I don't get to eat them or any other new food for a week or so until the hives stop........ BUMMER- I was SO excited to try carrots and apples this week :(

I am also being put on really good lotion because I have sensitive skin patches all over my body as well.... I sure hope it smells as good as my Baby Magic!

I can't wait for my skin to feel better :)

Oh and did I mention in an early post that the pink stuff gave me a bad diaper rash and I had to be put on a special diaper cream for that? Maybe it's a good thing that I can't have the pink stuff anymore!


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