Thursday, August 11, 2011

Potty Update Week 2

Yes... I am even going on mommy and daddy's potty :) I can't get up on my own but I sure can fill the entire thing with toilet paper and then get down by myself :)

Friday: Medium accident with Kate
Saturday: Medium accident while dancing
Sunday: NO accidents!!!! Held it while in the car two different times for about 15-20 minutes. Mommy and Daddy told me I could go in my car panties (pull-ups) but I kept saying "No." I had to go while we were out shopping and went potty for the first time in a public boys room- yup- Daddy was holding onto me the entire time I sat on the potty!
Monday: Poopy accident at Grandma's in Pull-up. Told mommy I had to go but we didn't make it in time. A also pooped in my nap diaper.
Tuesday: Great Day- no accidents!
Wednesday: Great Day! Went pee at the park in my potty :)
Thursday: Great Day but got a little too excited dancing and playing with Daddy that I waited too long to go pee and had an accident in the kitchen. I went potty three times without telling mommy until I was all done!

Yippeeeee for me!!!! And can I tell you I have no problem going poo poo on the potty and when I toot without panties on I turn around to make sure nothing falls out (and mommy always laughs at this!!) I am still learning to tell the difference between toots and poop.

Still working on pulling up and down panties. I can do it if given lots of time and with directions from mommy, but not fast enough yet to pull them down when I need to go potty.

I am also working on stopping while having fun to go potty- I get distracted when dancing or playing with people and if mommy or daddy aren't with me, I forget to tell people and have medium piddles.

I am still enjoying using the potty!


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