Thursday, August 4, 2011

Detailed Account of Potty Training- Week 1

Since most of my blogging is done to be published into baby books for the girls, several of the blog posts I add weekly are also made to help me in remembering what I did in each experience to help me with the next. This is one of those blogs mostly being done to help me remember potty training for when I go through it with Ashley.

I get overly anal (hahaha!) and detailed- I feel like I am writing an article for a medical journal (and talks about poop) so stop reading now if you don't care to read about pee and poop (aka my entire weekend).

Be prepared I have never talked about pee and poop so much in my life and have never been so in touch with one's bowels.

The Prep

We had the potty out for over a month and started talking about it a lot. We had two potties (definitely could have more- I recommend one per room) and two kids seats for our toilets. The more potties, the better since we wanted one by her at all times! We also were talking earlier in the week about big girl panties and not wearing diapers. We had bought Minnie mouse underwear (she picked those over princesses but later decided during the process that she wanted princesses- we shouldn't have returned the princesses until after potty training began). We used the potty training readiness checklist that we had found in multiple places and had decide she was more then ready. The little girl is OVERLY interested in people and the potty (remember in earlier posts when I told you she kissed the potty?!?!) She also took keen interest in watching me go (don't judge me for letting her watch- and when I say watch I mean very interestingly and closely watch- I just thought it might help her learn better. I am a visual learner too!) She calls her potty poop and pee. She had been having long periods of dryness in her diaper.

The Plan

We read a couple things about potty training but knew we wanted to attempt a pretty intensive 3 day weekend to potty training so that both Rob and I could take part. My friend Betsy over at The Bets Week Ever, sent me a link to her sister's blog, What I've Learned So Far, and the plan she used. Rob and I both read it and agreed that we would start with that plan! Thanks Betsy- the research and plan your sister created was a life savor for us! If you are planning on potty training in your future- please book mark this link!! It is good!

If you want to see how we decided to go about the process, click on the second link in the previous paragraph and scroll down to see the 4 entries on potty training that Betsy's sister made. Good stuff I tell you.... good stuff!

Our main routine:

With a successful pee/poop, we would ALWAYS cheer and get so overly happy. Anna melted at all the praise and attention!!!!! Then we would always pour it into the potty together, flush together, wash hands together, put panties on together and then head to get reward.

Our rewards consisted of:
* 2 m and m's for successful pee in potty
* 3 m and m's for successful poop potty

* stamp on the refrigerator for successful pee, sticker for poop

* grab bag assortment of toys/goodies for dry panties (when timer would go off or when she would go pee on her own)

      -eggs filled with gummies, crackers, peanut butter filled pretzels, dreid cherries, fruit cheerios
      -shape foams, wrapping bows and shiny balls (let's say she preferred the snack eggs!)

As for her new understanding of diapers, she knows that diapers are for sleeping- naps and overnight. Princess pull-ups are for car rides and time spent at other peoples houses. We wanted her to think that pull ups were just like panties and not for peeing or sleeping in because we didn't want her to think it was ok to pee in those like diapers.

She also did not watch any TV or videos even though she asked for Barney. We aren't normally totally opposed to TV, she does watch an occasional episode or two of Barney each day when I am feeding or putting Ashley to sleep, but being diaper-less we didn't want her in the TV coma peeing all over our couch. That meant tons of play time and not too many breaks for mommy and daddy. Intense much! 4 days into potty training we started watching the Elmo goes Potty Video and she LOVES it!

Day by Day Details!
I mean you feel like you are experiencing it with us, I get so detailed :) Pretty boring to read unless this potty training thing fascinates you like it does me :)

Day 1: 7 successes, 3 accidents, 5 piddles, 0 poop
Picture by First Pee!
 Timeline: (A = accident, S = success, P = poop) 8:15 A little, 8:25 S lots, 9:00 A little, 9:02 S little, 9:20 A lots, 9:21 S lots, 10:45 A lots, 10:46 S little, 11:00 A little, 11:10 S lots, nap 12-2:30 woke with semi full diaper, 5:10 A little, 5:15 S lots, 6:00 A lots, 6:02 S little, 7:00 S ALL BY SELF!!!!

Did you read that- 7:00 pm... ALL BY SELF!!! Rob was filling her bath tub and he hears "Daddy, I pee." Sure enough Anna had opened the potty lid, sat down and had peed ALL ON HER OWN!!!! Rob hadn't even reminded her! Way to go Anna! First HUGE SUCCESS!

*By the end of the day she had started to "hold" the pee by bringing her legs close together. This was definitely a cue for us to ask if she needed to go pee!
*That night we decided that we were forcing her a little too much to get on the potty with the timer and to put panties on- she was crying at times when she didn't want to do it. Through teaching I learned that kids of all ages need to feel in charge and they need to feel like they are in control, so the next day we decided to give her choices; whether or not to sit on the potty with the timer (she usually did for the surprise) and whether or not to wear panties.

Day 2: Woke up with a poop. 9 successes, 2 pee accidents (not sure about piddles because she wouldn't wear panties), 1 tiny poop and 1 huge poop in potty.
first tiny poop!
 Timeline: woke up at 7:30, 9:40 S (reminded to go but she said more when she wasn't done peeing), 10:25 A Big (no one was with her to stop her), 11:00 and 11:30 S (said I go pee), 11:50 S (was running around, stopped and looked at us, said I pee, ran to potty on her own and peed!), 12:20 tiny pee and poop (very weirded out by poop), 4:50 S All By Self, 5:20 S (for 20 minutes she kept sitting on potty with no luck.... then a HUGE POOP!!!), 6:00 little A followed by big S, 7:20 S (had to be reminded but did it all by self).
Yup- had to share the HUGE poop with the internet world!
 *By the end of the day she had started to "hold" the pee by doing a potty bounce and crossed one leg over the other. More cues to help us know when she had to pee!
*She did not wear panties at all that day. To help combat that, the next morning I planned to wear a tank top and panties all morning long to help her see that mommy wears them all the time too.

Day 3: ONLY trained in the morning because of Grandma's Birthday Party in the evening. 4 successes, 1 pee accident and 1 poop in panties accident, 0 piddles

Timeline: woke at 7:15, 9:20 S (Was stuck in a corner and said "I pee." Tried to walk to potty but daddy picked her up to help her get to potty- was not happy at daddy AT ALL), 10:15 S (said "I pee" and walked all the way from the playroom to the living room potty all by self. no piddle), 10:45 A BIG POOP in panties (was upset), 11:05 A (was alone in a room playing in a bow, when daddy walked in she was peeing. Said "I pee" and finished in potty), 11:45 S (kept sitting down and up, walking around the potty and finally walked over and went all by self!)

*Another cue she needs to pee- squating a little!
*Anna wore panties all day once she noticed I was wearing them for a long time. She only wanted to wear princess (ahhh) panties and we only had one pair. I got her to wear two other pairs that had hearts on them and bribed her to do that by convincing her that they were "Baby" (like the song) pants because of the hearts. Worked like a charm! During nap, I ran out and bought more princess panties.
*Anna needs to have help taking panties off and on. She does a decent job putting them on but most times they are put on backwards so we like to help- major wedgies!!!
*Is starting to say "All Done" when finished going pee.

Day 4: 7 successes, 0 pee/poop accidents, 1 poop in diaper during nap,  3 piddles

Timeline: woke at 6:45, 8:30 S (tiny tinly right before but did all by self in Ashley's room while I was putting Ashley to sleep), 10:00 S (tiny tinkle right before, but did it all by self while I feed Ashley in playroom), 11:30 S (stops playing, says "I pee!!!" Runs to potty, waits a minute and then pees!), 12:20 S (said "I pee!" Ran to potty, sat down and peed a little. I asked if she was done and she said no. A minute later she pees a lot more!), poops in diaper before falling asleep for nap (calls "mama mama I poop I poop!" she was pretty worked up and it took a while for her to calm down),

*Anna wore princess panties all day long. I had to take them off/on when she would be by potty. She enjoyed picking out her princess panties if she had tinkled in the pair she was wearing.
*First day without someone to be with Ashley. Plan was when I was putting Ashley to sleep, Anna would be bare-bottomed and in Ashley's room with me. I had a bunch of books in that room and a potty. While I was feeding Ashley, Anna would be bare-bottomed and we would be in playroom with the door shut. Plan actually worked VERY well! I would remind Anna about the potty each time we were in one of those situations- didn't seem to bother her!

Day 5: 7 successes, 1 big pee/ 0 poop accidents, 0 poop, 1 piddles

Day 6: 9 successes, 1 medium pee / 1 small in panty poop accidents, 1 HUGE Poop and 1 tiny poop in potty, 1 piddle

Day 7: First Day out of the house. We wore pull ups- Anna treated them as if they were panties and corrected me when I called them diapers. "No mommy, aaaaaahhhhhhh!" (aaaaaahhhhhhh means princess!) 8 successes, 1 medium  pee accident, 2 big poop in potty, 0 piddle
When at:
*Library- tried to go but couldn't
*Grandma's House- Big pee right when we got home from library and a big poop later on in potty! Pull ups were dried the entire time.
*Goodyear- Told me she had to go pee and off we went! First success in a mommy/daddy potty!!!
*In the Car on the way home- at told me at 89th St that she needed to go. I told her to stop and try to hold it. then I felt like I was being to harsh and told her that it was ok to go in her diaper. She said, "No.... ahhhhh." (meaning: Not diapers, princesses!) She made it all the way home 24 streets and a stop at a stoplight later with a dry pull up! She didn't want to wet it and went in the potty RIGHT when we got home... Could she be getting close to potty trained????????????????
*Medium accident while waiting outside for Peanut to come in.
*GET THIS! On the walk home for the park tonight she told us she needed to go pee and at the corner of 69th and Holmes so I pull out the potty (yes we brought the potty to the park!) and sure enough 10 minutes later.... not just pee but poop too! AMAZING!!!!!!! Rob was quite jealous and told Anna that is something he will never be able to do :) We didn't know what to do with the poop so I was one proud "potty full of poop carrying mother" on the walk home :)

I say this day went awesome- I never planned for the first day out during the first week of potty training to go like this :)

So proud of the big girl on the potty! We knew she was ready and that she loved the potty but never knew how it would work out..... she's doing great! I really feel as thought she is listening more closely to her body and is allowing more time to get herself to the potty before she goes. She is walking herself to the potty now and working on pulling down her panties- that is the focus of next week. Soooooo..... On to week 2 we go!!!

Much Love,

And other pics that portray our last week!
We learned how to put on socks while waiting for the pee pee and poo poo
Had fun with the boots!
This is what she looked like most of the week!

The poop face- awesome!

Eating her dry diaper surprise eggs with Daddy!

Checking EVERYTHING out! Curious little tot!

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