Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2 year well visit

Today I went to see Dr. Austin for my two year well check up (even though I am just turning 23 months this week she let me come early so that mommy and daddy could bring both Ashley and I in at the same time.)

She was very impressed with how I was growing and said that I looked great! She was also very proud of me for giving them a pee sample..... yep- I peed in a cup. Well, sort of. The mean nurse (mommy doesn't like her) had given daddy a cup to try and catch my pee and we went to the bathroom. Well, the cup broke and daddy had to ask for a better method of collecting my pee because there wasn't enough room for him to catch it (what was that nurse thinking- I am not even 2 and just in the process of potty training- how can you expect me to pee in a cup like an adult?) But anyway, they gave daddy a plastic porta-potty type thing instead. I couldn't go pee with daddy but 10 minutes later I decided to go with mommy. Sure enough, I peed. Everyone in the office was SO proud of me for being able to give a pee sample!!!! Dr. Austin said she was especially proud of me with how well I have been doing with potty training.

She also mentioned that she can tell I am talking great and even using "sentences." She also said I look very healthy and is proud of how I eat my fruits and veggies.

Here are the numbers:
Height: 34 1/2 in- 75th %tile
Weight: 27 lbs- 55th %tile

At the end of the visit I got two shots; one being the flu shot. Well.... they HURT. A LOT! Mommy tried to calm me down by giving me princess gummies but that didn't work. The nurse tried to calm me down by letting me pick out two toys (I picked a heart Tatoo (for Baby-O!) and a letter tracer/ruler because I love letters).

But neither of those did the trick either- both Ashley and I were feeding off of one another with our cries. When mommy said it was time to go, I stopped crying and said STAY! But then she reminded me that I had been crying so then I started crying AGAIN!!! I cried and cried and cried every time I looked at the band-aid and finally pulled the band aid off in the car. don't worry- I cried most the way to the car. When we got home and I saw Ashley's band aids I almost starting crying AGAIN but daddy took them off. I don't like shots and I don't like band aids. Luckily I don't go back until I am 3.... but I did hear some rumor about getting blood drawn in February... OUCH!

This growing up is hard, but at least I'm healthy!



  1. holy cow, peeing in a cup!!!??? way to go anna!!!!!!!! btw, the pony tail couldn't be any cuter ;)
