Thursday, August 4, 2011


Anna just pooped in the potty on our walk home from the park. Don't worry, we packed the potty in the stroller and were prepared (except for the lack of camera to capture the moment). 69th and Holmes will never be the same.... I will always remember sitting on the sidewalk next to Anna for around 10 minutes watching the cars and then her standing up to find a pee and a poop! AMAZING! Daddy told her that he was quite jealous because that is something he will never be able to do :)

And you might be wondering where we put the stuff in the potty? No, we didn't pretend it was dog doo, this mommy carried it home in the potty like a "poopy in the potty loving momma" and flushed it away! The things we do for our children :)

Much Love,


  1. LOL!!! I'm sure you will always remember that! 69th & Holmes -- I can just imagine Anna on her little potty at that busy corner; we'll all always remember this story!!
    Love you guys!

  2. omg, that is freakin' hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
