Monday, August 8, 2011

6 months old

Happy 6 months old to me!

*I respond to my own name.
*I am getting better and better at standing on my own. While leaning on things I can stand for quite a long time without mommy or daddy helping. My legs are getting so strong!
*I am taking much better naps- usually three naps lasting anywhere from 45 min- 3 hours (2 hours is quite common a couple times a week and 3 hour naps rarely occur but it has happened) and sometimes four naps if they only last 45 minutes. The last two weeks I have taken a 2 + hour nap just about every day. I always nap in my crib. Mommy or Daddy usually swing me until I am almost asleep and then put me in the crib with my paci (if they time it right I am out in just a couple of minutes). I nap every 2- 2 1/2 hours after I last woke up- mommy is noticing the later I can stay up without being cranky, the longer my naps are.
*At night I am sleeping great. I roll to my side right when I am put in my crib and sleep mostly on my stomach just like mommy. I was waking 1-2 times during the night at the beginning of the month but now am going to bed around 8 pm and waking a little before 5am  to eat and then going back to bed until 7 or 8 am. Sometimes I even sleep until 6:15 or so without waking up, but when I sleep in past 6 it's pretty hard for me to fall back asleep again. Mommy or Daddy still sway/rock me to sleep at night and are trying to get me to fall asleep absolutely on my own when they lay me down at night and for naps.
*I have tried rice cereal and eat it ate dinner time! When I'm not eating I watch everyone eat and even grab for stuff! GIVE ME FOOD!
*I am practically crawling- its amazing to see me move! I am sitting up on my own but still topple over after 15-30 seconds.
*Favorite books are the bright colored single picture/word books.
*Favorite Toys are music band, exersaucer, light up stacker, teethers, lady bug music box and anything Anna is playing with. I am really playing with toys now (mostly bringing them straight to my mouth!)
*Favorite thing to do: WATCH ANNA- She is the most amazing person in the world! I love watching her go and can't wait to be big like her!
*I love to smile, laugh and giggle and like horseplay!
*I ham just starting to blow raspberries and when mommy does it I laugh SO hard! I am also happy screaming more when playing!
*I am super ticklish.
*I can hold my own bottle. I don't get bottle fed too much, about once every 2 weeks, but love it when Daddy feeds me :)
*I am beginning to hold my arms out when I hear mommy coming to pick me up from the floor or other people's laps.

I am one happy 6 month old!


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