Friday, January 15, 2010

Ignoring My Children: Night 1

So the first night (of many to come I'm sure) of ignoring my children is through. You might be wondering, how did it go? Did I stick to my guns and not let Peanut come to the bed? Did I let my heart crumble while the little girl cried herself back to sleep? This is how the night unraveled.....

Peanut decided not to come to the top stair and bark when we were getting ready for bed. So, Rob and I decided to let him stay downstairs..... and he did not make a peep until he heard me feeding Anna at 7 am this morning. SUCCESS!!!!

As for Anna, she woke up for the third night in a row (that makes the last 5 out of 6 nights) around 3 am. She started with soft coos and babbles. Having our decision made up that we were not going to get her out of the pack and play, I hit the vibrate button on her bed to help her settle back down (I am probably not supposed to do that either!!) Tens minutes of feeling like the WORST mom ever, she stops her babbling. SUCCESS! I am the BEST mom ever!!!

That is until about 5 minutes later she begins to cry her "I"m starving over here" cry. After exchanging a couple hazy 3 am consulting sentences with the husband, she was in my arms and nursing within minutes. And I must say that she really WAS hungry! She pretty much drained one side (which is about 6 oz when I pump) and ate a little off the other. So during this feeding time I started to wonder if babies experience growth spurts at 16 weeks (she has been textbook about when her growth spurts occur) and sure enough, after a 3 am research session on the internet, I find that it is her time to have a growth spurt.

So growth spurt or not, I gave in on the first night of ignoring my child. We'll see how the next couple of nights go. We should almost be through this growth spurt- fingers (and toes) crossed!

Much Love and Good Night,

Oh and everyone- thank you for all the advice!

1 comment:

  1. My memories of trying to ignore the crying baby in the nighttime are: it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. (But we didn't do that until well after 6 months old.) Regarding Peanut -- I think he decided he didn't want to sleep in the bedroom with all that scary farting going on! Ha!
