Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Farm

Today mommy, Ashley and I went to Deanna Rose Farmstead and IT.WAS.AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We met Kate and Grandma there and saw so many animals!! We didn't get to see all the animals because we had to leave to eat lunch but we saw cows, ducks, goats, a turkey that had his feathers up the whole time and was gobbling, horses and bunnies!!! My favorites were definitely the goats that we could feed and pet. I had NO FEAR when feeding them (mommy was more scared then me!) and when mommy took Kate and I into the petting pen with them I got so excited!! I ran up to them, patted them, hugged them, kissed them (mommy was trying her hardest to keep me from kissing them) and I even put them in headlocks like brother. Oh they were so awesome! I also loved the baby goats too! One goat tried eating mommy's shirt and that was when we had to leave the pen. I can't wait to go and see the goats again!

 And we're headed back tomorrow morning!!!!!! YEA!


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