Saturday, July 10, 2010

Some of my tricks

I am really adding to my bag of tricks!!!! I love doing "SO BIG," shake shake shake with my hands, peek-a-boo with ANYTHING that can cover my head and I LOVE to clap my hands when I am happy! I am really good at following directions; when mommy tells me to give her something please, I give it to her. I also do the same with Peanut and his babies. And I LOVE to roll balls back and forth with people!


I am also beginning to wave to people but this happens pretty inconsistently. I am also beginning to say "hi" and "bubye."

I am saying mom-ma when ever mommy walks into the room or when I go into her room with daddy to wake her up in the morning. I say "ba" for balloon and ball and something that sounds a little different then "ba" for brother (Peanut). I am giving daddy "fives" and whenever mommy says num a nums, I chump my lips together and chew!

I have so much to say and can't wait to be a little chatterbox!


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