Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy 4 months old to me!

Happy 4 months old to me!
(late post by 2 weeks but at least the pictures are of the right ages!)

*I am REALLY loving to suck three fingers.  I still do not like pacifiers but then again I haven’t been given one in a long time since I rarely cry.
*I am beginning to drool more. There is always drool around my mouth.
*I smile with my WHOLE mouth! It's one big wide open smile!!! I really light up when people talk to me.
*I am a very long girl. I am currently wearing 9 month footed sleepers and my 6-9 month footed sleepers are a week away from being retired. And I’m only 4 months old.
*I LOVE my exersaucer, Bumbo, watching TV and listening to people read books. I really just love being held.
*I am still being swaddled at night time and nap time and sleep with a noise machine on.
*This past month I really started a napping routine. During the day I nap after being awake every 2 or so hours. My naps last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Usually I have two quick 30 min- 1 hour nap in the morning, followed by a late afternoon nap that lasts anywhere from 2 -3 hours.
*I am still a very happy and easy going baby.
*My hair is getting lighter (the hair that I have!)- I just might be a blonde
*My legs are getting stronger everyday. I can pretty much support all my weight on my legs with help from mom or dad holding my arms
*I am "talking" so much more.
*I love grabbing onto toys and putting them up to my mouth. I reach for them when they are in front of me or above me.
*I spent the last month getting used to the baby ergo carrier and usually don’t have a hard time sleeping in it when needed. But I sleep best in my bed.
*I LOVE watching Anna and Ashley do anything and I really like to play in the playroom with them. I like playing on my playmat and looking in the mirror during tummy time. I actually enjoy tummytime most of the time. I like swatting at the toys hanging, sitting in my BUMBO, exersaucer, bouncer or Boppy, laying on my back and sitting on mommy or daddy's laps. I also love watching brother!
*I am still sleeping great! At night time I get around 12 hours of total sleep; I am going to bed around 7:00/7:30ish and waking around 3:30ish to eat and then again at 7 ish. I still only take about 25 minutes to eat, get a diaper change (sometimes my diaper is so dry I don't change it), get re-swaddled and fall back asleep.  I have even slept from 7 – 5 a handful  of times! Who-hoo!!
*I am still breastfeeding; eating every 3- 3 1/2 hours. Mommy thinks I drink anywhere from 4-5 oz at each feeding. I don't drink from the bottle that much but enjoy it when daddy feeds me!
*This month I rolled over belly to back (2 times) and also back to belly (1 time).
*I started touching and playing with my toes. I love playing with my hands.
*I went through a huge growth spurt where mommy was up every 2-3 hours at night feeding me for 4 days in a row. It was insane how much I ate J


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