Friday, September 20, 2013

Post Op Recovery Day

The rest of the day was spent watching movie, after movie, after movie. The dentist had said that she should really take it easy to bounce back from the anesthesia and she should do activities that don't get her heart rate up. So we had a sick day and Ashley was so excited that she was the one who got to pick out the movies!

She was also put in a soft foods diet for the first 4 hour. So off to Sonic I went and treated the girls to a Route 44 sonic slush in their favorite colors. Ashley also ate pudding and yogurt that morning and tofu, avocado and cheese for lunch. Despite the surgery she really ate well. And you know what she kept saying over and over every time she took a bite?! She kept saying, "Mommy, my tooth feels so much better!!!" My poor baby girl you must have been in so much pain.

Daddy was home with us until around 11 when he went back to work. Luckily my mom was able to stay with me until 3 to help out.

Ashley did not understand why she couldn't have paci's. We tried to explain that they could hurt her tooth again but she didn't like that. We told her the dentist took then and would bring them to her tomorrow. She was not happy. But luckily the movies distracted her most of the day. Until nap time that is..... I attempted Ashley's afternoon nap and it was a disaster. 45 minutes of non stop crying/yelling for paci. So I stopped and thought no nap would make her even more tired for bedtime and that would make not having a paci easier. Boy was I wrong.....

So she survived the day and was for the most part in really good spirits. She loved seeing her tooth in her little tooth box and was proud when showing other's. She still hasn't wanted to give it to the tooth fairy so we are working on that.

Much Love,

PS Anna was really digging this day because she reaped all the benefits without the pain!

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