Monday, September 2, 2013

3 months old

Happy 3 months old Abby!

Here's what I've been up to this month!

*I had baby acne for a while but it is clearing up. Same with my cradle cap (nothing like olive oil treatments I tell ya!)
*I am beginning to hold onto objects and reach for objects above me
*I am cooing and making more noises.
*I am much more alert during the day.
*I take a nap just after about every 2 hours of being awake during the day. Most of the time I nap in my pack n play or laying down somewhere swaddled.  I take my longest nap in the afternoon usually lasting anywhere from 2-4 hours. The others naps last anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour. I am not to hard to put to sleep; I fall asleep while nursing, while mommy walks around holding me or when being held and bounced. I usually don't have a problem putting myself to sleep at night.
*I am smiling like crazy and my favorite times to smile are after I wake up, after I eat and anytime at mommy and daddy.
*I sleep anywhere from 10-12 hours each night; normally it's around 11 hours. I usually go to bed around 8, wake at 3 to eat and am back down by 3:30 and then wake for the day around 7:30. I am still in mommy and daddy's room in the pack and play but am moving to my own room very soon. I can pretty much sleep anywhere- the other day I slept for over an hour on the couch! My favorite way to fall asleep for a nap is being swaddled and then laying on my back on someone's chest while they bounce me. I get super calm and fall asleep pretty fast!
*I am down to 6 breast feedings a day (about every 3 1/2 hours). I love nursing while mommy lays down next to me. I am starting to really be social and mommy can barely look at me when I am feeding because I get so excited that I can't stop smiling.
*I blow bubbles when I am hungry and mommy doesn't feed me right away (like when we are in the car)
*Love mortimar the moose hanging from my car seat
*I love folding my hands on my chest and am recently starting to put my hands in my mouth.
*I get VERY excited on my bouncer. I kick like crazy at the things that hang down from it and throw my arms in the air. I am reaching and batting at the animals hanging from my play gym as well.
*I still LOVE being swaddled, love sleeping in the pack n play in mommy and daddy's room, love the rain storm machine, love looking at lights and fans, love doing my exercises, and like my swing. Tummy time is okay and so is the bumbo. I am getting used to the ergo carrier and have had some decent naps in it.
* I used to like the sleep with my bed on vibration but I don't need it anymore so I don't use it.
*My neck has gotten so strong that mommy can hold me on her hip now. I love when she holds me on my hip while facing out.
*I am getting really strong. My neck is getting strong and it isn't flimsy anymore when doing my baby sit ups. I am holding my head up pretty much on it's own with an occasional "dopiness."
*I am not too sure about the pacifier.
*I love doing super baby.

What a great third month I had! I wonder what I will learn this next one!!!


Here's week by week pictures of my 3rd month!


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