Wednesday, September 11, 2013

31 months old

Happy 31 months old Ashley! You sure do make me laugh (and give me a headache at the same time!)
My little puppy dog!
Here's the new stuff she's been up to this month

* One of her two year old molars has erupted and is halfway in.
* She is so funny and witty. Today she told Daddy, "Daddy you are wrong and mommy's right." Man, I love this child :)
* She just loves her paci's still. We were down to having them while in bed but these last two weeks have been such a transition for her (with school, sharing rooms, etc) that I have been a little more lax. Well tonight she called me into her room asking for purple paci. I go on a purple paci hunt and all I find is a green one. So I try to trick her and bring the green one into her dark room. She puts it in her mouth and two sucks later says, "This isn't purple paci." And I lie again saying that I thought it was. Then she said, "This isn't. It doesn't feel like purple paci. Turn light on." BUSTED in a lie.... TOTALLY BUSTED!
*Loving her milk babas. She loves it most at night time where she will drink 1 1/2 milk sippy cups before bed. She demands it first thing when she wakes up but barely drinks any of it. She still takes a couple sips and then sucks on paci (she is the longest sippy cup drinker EVER!)
*She has become more and more demanding these days and will throw a complete fit if you don't respond immediately. So now I am intentionally taking my time in answering her or getting her things to work on her patience.
*She loves school. She has napped both days. She is currently the youngest in her class and the teachers say she is doing great. She says she likes the slide outside and her favorite school book is Bob the Builder.
*Prefers that mommy put her to bed
*She can't wait until she's three to do dance
*She is really big in saying "last time," "a while ago," and a "little bit ago."

Much Love,

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