Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Anna's first day of 3/4 Preschool

This morning Anna was dressed and trying to get into the car at 7:45 to go to school; she was ubberly excited!

But then suddenly at 9:00 when we were in the car to go to school, she almost started crying. I asked her what was the matter and she started crying and saying, "I miss my old teachers. I want
my old teachers. I want Mrs. Schorgl and Ms. Wozniak. I miss them." I was able to settle her down pretty quickly when I told her that she would be able to see Mrs. Schorgl today and then talked about how fun it is to meet new teachers as you grow older. I think my little girl was nervous. But in the short 2 minute drive we have to get to preschool she was settled down and happily skipping her way to the door!

She found her name in no time (It is written on a yellow bell) and hung up her backpack. Then hand in hand she led Ashley to the day out area.

After we dropped Ashley off and they had both exchanged kissing hands, we headed back to Anna's classroom. When we got there she seemed pretty tentative to enter the classroom but after a couple of minutes of talking to Mrs Brewster she walked into the classroom and instantly started playing with her classmates. She has 15 classmates, 9 of which are girls and 6 from last years class. She is in the same class as her good buddies Lainey and Kendall. There is also another little girl in her class named Anna; not just Anna but Anna S too. All of Anna's things will say Anna St (because she's a saint, right?!!?) to distinguish them from one another! She thinks it's great that there's another Anna!

I arrived early to pick up Anna (her lunch bunch doesn't start until next week) and she was out on the playground. I noticed that she was not acting her normal self and seemed very disconnected and not wanting to play with her friends. I later find out that she had been upset at recess because she had thought that Ashley was going to be out there and she really wanted to play with her sister (Amazing; you don't ever think that this would be the reason a kid would cry on their first day of school!). She later told me that she was crying a little bit because she missed Ashley "so so much." But by the time recess was over she had found a ball and was playing with some classmates.


After school we decided to go eat at Winstead's with Grama. Her friend Kendall and her mom joined us as well. The two girls had so much fun and agreed that recess was their favorite part of the day. Could they honestly be any cuter? Anna thought it was so cool because I let her drive to Winstead's in Kendall's car.

When we got home Anna showed me the drawing that she had made Ashley; one of Belle holding a red rose. She then went on to tell me about her day. She:

1. played dress up but they didn't have any princess dresses
2. colored with markers
3. cooked and played with the kitchen- there were two baby dolls on the kitchen
4. sang ABC's and Wheels on the Bus
5. listened to her teacher's read a book about a Bear's first day of school
6. had graham crackers and apples as a snack
7. sat by Lainey 
8. had so much fun
9. loved recess
10. missed Ashley, Abby and mommy so much but had her kissing hand that she used a couple of times
11. had on the same shoes as Lainey

I'd say it was a pretty good detailed account of the first day for a 3 year old!

She's excited for Thursday!

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