Friday, November 9, 2012


Since it was a gorgeous day Thursday and we had nothing to do, we decided to go to the zoo.

We listened to "Going to the zoo" by Raffi on repeat for the entire drive there and back home. Ashley demanded that we listen to it, "again, again!!!!" I think it might be her new favorite song.

When we got to the zoo we saw the normal things; polar bear, sea lion, snakes (even though they had moved to a different part of the zoo which totally confused Anna), tigers in their new area (much better then the old) and the funny orangutans. And we also took a good old ride, or two, on the carousel. Anna rode the flamingo and then the huge white horse and Ashley chose the lady bug and the red panda that she thought was a chipmunk and was calling Chippy the entire time. They had a ball.

Then for the first time ever we rode on the train. Anna decided to sit in front of Ashley and me since according to her "she's a big girl, she's three." And we had a blast. There are two tunnels on the train and the first one the girls thought was REALLY cool. They said "cool" and "awesome" when it was done. But the second one was longer, louder and darker. They weren't upset or crying or really acting that scared until we talked about it after and all Ashley could say then (and still now) is "Choo Choo." "Loud." "Scary (and shivers)." "Tunnel." It is pretty funny when she gets started because she repeats those words over and over and over for quite some time.

 This picture cracks me up of Anna checking out the scenery....

Much Love,

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