Saturday, November 24, 2012

First Movie Theatre Experience

This morning we took the girls to see their first movie in a theatre, Wreck it Ralph.

We saw it at Palazzo 16 theatre (literally minutes away from our house) and found that children 3 and under are free at any movie. BONUS! Then we found out that if you bring 2 canned goods you get a free small popcorn. So for $12, all four of us saw the movie and shared 2 small popcorns.

And the girls loved the experience. They did great. You would have thought that Ashley would have had ants in her pants but she literally laid on our laps the entire 2 hours we were in the theatre. And whoever didn't have Ashley, had Anna.

When we first got there, Anna looked at me and saw, "Mommy that's a HUGE TV!" And when the surround sound started she was so shocked and said, "How it do that?"

As for the movie, we think we saw one that was too old for our girls. It is a very cute movie but their were some potentially "scary" parts during the movie and 2 or so different times Anna told me she was scared. But when I told her not to watch, she said, "YES! Me watch!" So I really don't know if she was scared or if she was just "scared." But I guess that's the gamble you take when you bring your kids to a movie you haven't seen before.

Later that evening we made pizza and then drove around our neighborhood and nearby ones to see all the Christmas lights. Everytime we saw a light we'd say,  "ohh ahh eeee oooo!" It was so cute. When Ashley would spot some lights she yell, "MORE! LIGHTS! Ohhhh.... ahhhh.... eeee... ooooo!" And Anna got so excited when she saw purple ones.

Then we did some rough housing when we got home- super fun day.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that's great about Ashley, however I don't think Drew would last 2 hours in a movie. I guess it's because he still is really not interested in TV so he doesn't watch hardly any at all! Can't wait for future movies though!
