Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We voted!


Well, okay mommy did. But we went with her and while eating a cookie in the corner of the voting office, we got to write our votes on the yellow papers we are holding.
 And you won't believe it- we got our very own I VOTED sticker!!!!!!!

Now mommy is off to see if the vote she cast really made a difference. And let's just say it better because she was NOT in the mood to vote today since we had to drive ALL THE WAY across State line and back (over an hour in the car when it could have been 2 minutes in KS). Luckily, on the way there we swerved our way out of 2 possible car wrecks and made it there before the rush... FIRST in line for the electronic ballot.

You might be wondering WHY did mommy have to go vote in MO? Don't ask her about it- she is furious. She has always hated politics; hated learning about it in school, hated teaching it, HATES to talk about it and HATES to listen to it so when she hit this little speed bump she said forget it! But then Daddy made her feel bad.... really bad for considering not voting (even though later he questioned whether his vote was really worth the time). See, she didn't know that you had to be registered back in 2001 to vote in the 2012 election (ok.... you had to be registered by mid Oct) but all the same. She had finally gotten her KS driver's license this past Friday and was STOKED that she was registered to vote and could do it not even a minute away and could get it done after dropping off Anna's school picture order. Well the lady behind the driver's license desk broke the news to her and said, you can't vote Tuesday. WOW- was mommy mad. Just another thing making it hard for people to get out and vote- it's supposed to be easy here in the US of A! Oh well, at least she's registered for every election that is held while we live in KS- hopefully forever!!! Luckily she was still registered under her MO address and could vote under that in a state that might actually need her vote. Even though after she voted she told us that she really thinks that no vote is better then an uneducated vote and for this election she felt pretty uneducated and only votes for the president and a couple of the propositions.... even with those she felt uneducated..... enough said.

Anna and Ashley

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