Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Feet Soccer


Today we had Anna's first soccer practice. I wouldn't say she loved it, but I also wouldn't say she hated it. I think she was just trying to figure it all out.....

We joined a Happy Feet soccer league for 8 weeks and she plays every Sunday at 3:15. Today we had to wake her early from her nap and I think she was still waking up when we got there. Her team name is the Orange Orangatangs and she fought us so hard in putting on her soccer uniform shirt because she had picked out her own Orange Blossom outfit to wear to soccer and she wanted to wear it instead. I don't know how we got it on her without making a scene but we did (I was relieved to see other kids having this issue too!)

The set up was really nice and I can see Anna being really comfortable by the end. Each "practice" lasts 30 minutes and then they let the kids play with their parents, coach or other teammates for the last 15 minutes. Each kid has a ball and they call the ball "Bob" which I find really fun. During the "practice" they stretch, sing songs with the soccer ball and learn things like toe stops, kicks and dribbling. Mostly they are just learning to follow directions with a soccer ball. Anna was not a fan of her coach (extremely shy) and my goal for her is for her to give him a high five at the end of week 8. As for soccer skills, Anna may have been the slowest one at times and the one dragging behind during the practice, but we were so proud of her for hanging in there and doing everything that was asked of her (eventually). Her attention span lasted the entire 45 minutes and she seemed to understand what was going on.

Little Miss Ashley was also there and she was REALLY wishing that she was 2 and had a soccer ball of her own. She started out content with pushing around her baby in the stroller but one she saw the kids kicking around the balls I would find her right by Anna's side, in the huddle or trying to pick up the ball. Rob and I traded turns with Ashley so we could also have a turn with Anna.

The practice started with 10 kids and Anna was one of 5 left in the end still practicing. And she was smiling. Kicking and smiling. And that's all I really hope she's still doing in 8 weeks!

Much Love,

 Stretches with the team
 Getting as close to Daddy in the beginning as possible
 Walking Baby
 Everyone is dribbling with the coach... Anna is just taking her time. In her defense, the coach did say do "slow kicks!!!"
 Doing toe stops with "Bob." She really had this down by the end of practice.
 "No way am I giving that man (her coach) a high five!!"
 Big kick!
 GOAL!!!!!!!!!! We kept telling her that the goal was "Bob's" house and that he wanted to go home! It seemed to work with her wanting to keep kick it in and out of the goal.
 Taking a break
 Team huddle!!!!!

 Being funny...

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