Thursday, April 12, 2012

14 months old

Happy 14 months old and holy cuteness! Can you believe that this was the first and only picture mommy took? I am just THAT good :)

Here's what I have been up to this past month (tons!)
*I am still sleeping like a rock star for 11-12 hours straight, from about 7 pm to 6:30 am. I now have a pillow in my bed and sleep with it, bear, lambie, duck and baby bop. I still sleep in a sleep sack with my noise machine on.
*I am a good napper. At the beginning of the month I was taking 2 naps a day, but now I am pretty much down to one nap a day. This happens after an early lunch at 11:30 and I sleep anywhere from 1-2 hours. I always have milk before bed and I rarely fall asleep on mommy; I put myself to sleep.
*I am still a good eater. Still LOVE my mac and cheese and will eat ANY amount you give me (sometimes I eat mine AND Anna's leftovers) but this month I have done good expanding into eating ground turkey meat, ground turkey tacos, pasta in red sauce or butter, bratwurst, chicken and even some red pepper. I need to work on eating more veggies.
*I am drinking cold milk. I am still drinking from a bottle and mommy is trying to cut me from the habit as we speak.
*My favorite toy in the whole world is still bear and I still do bear dives on him. My favorite animal is a duck!
*I still love music. ANY kind of music makes me dance! I love doing the crazy running feet dance!
*I LOVE books! I love to pick out a book (Barnyard Dance is my current favorite) and back up onto someone's lap and have them read to me. I can usually sit through entire board books. I also love to flip through paper paged book
*I am a very good stacker and I even say the word "stack" while stacking. I love stacking rings and blocks and can stack 3 blocks without falling.
*I can point to some body parts: belly, belly button, chubber, head, tongue, mouth, toes and nose.
*I can climb down an entire flight of stairs on my belly and have started going down a couple of stairs walking forward while holding onto the wall. That scares mommy when I do it, but i do it well.
*I make animals sounds for duck (duack), snake (tongue out and in), fish , dog (pants and woof), bunny (hop hop), tiger (ahh), monkey (haha) and cow (ooooo)
*I am saying more and more words: sdack (stack), baba (bottle), ber (bear), mil (milk), papa, mama, dada, ball, duck, pas (pacifier), bye bye, bra (brother), hi, uh oh, E! (my favorite sound, mammy (Grammy) and Anna.
*I do 5 signs with my own version of sign language: Me (pats herself; she made this one up), milk or baba (squeezes hand while saying mil for milk and baba for water), all done/gone (squeezes both hands), more (says mor while touching two fingers together), and eat (hand to mouth).
*I am a great walker but since I am still managing balance, I fall a lot. I walk really fast and love to go running in place. I bet it's not time that I'm actually running! When I walk my left foot kind of turns in but mommy thinks I'll out grow it. I am in a size 4 1/2 wide shoe; I have high arches. I also like to walk backwards and do it very well.
*I love to clean. I love putting things away in baskets and bags and LOVE to mop the floors and storm door with paper towels.
*I laugh at my own farts and try to do them on purpose. Same with burps.
*When I get really excited I do "excited" by waving my arms in front of me and shaking them.
*I am a climber on anything. I even try to climb into my own high chair and get so mad when I can't. I love climbing in and out of boxes, up on the futon and even up on the craft table (oops!) I also love to climb down and off things and do it just as well as I climb up.
*I have really good hand/eye coordination and can put things into the smallest holes.
*I love crayons and markers (when mommy lets me)
*Whenever Peanut barks or there is noise outside I think it's Daddy so I yell "dada!" and usually run to the door.
*At night I give mommy hugs and kisses when they ask. Sometimes I go back and forth between them for minutes at a time. They love this!

What a busy month!


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