Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hand, Foot and Mouth... poor Abby

Somewhere, sometime last week (I blame the child care at my mom's group meeting but it doesn't matter where it happened because I can't fix that) Abby picked up the awful sickness hand, foot and mouth. I had heard of many of my friends kid getting it but they never talked about how horrible it was. I know each case can vary in the extent in which is effects the child but oh my. It's like the new age chickenpox. It is disgusting. And it has been some of the hardest 48 hours in a long, long time.

Abby woke up in the middle of the night Saturday with a fever. Sunday morning she woke up with a horrible diaper rash (or so we thought it was). Mid morning I noticed blisters forming around her mouth and thought this was something more then a diaper rash so we went to an urgent care.

Hand, foot and mouth was the diagnosis. And since it is a virus we have to wait it out. 7-10 days is usually the length of it to run it's course. Well shit.

Sunday night was horrible. Easily the worst night I have had in my life (I need a badge for my super mom cape!) The child was howling in pain. Crying non stop. Itching her body like crazy and making the blisters pop and ooze everywhere. It was intense. It was horrible. It literally looked like Abby was experiencing a painful death. And all I could give her was tylenol = a completely worthless mother. She wanted me to cuddle and hold her throughout the entire night but my exhaustion couldn't stay away. She probably slept 10-15 minutes every hour that night; me even less. The next morning when she woke up she was coated on the butt and face. It was even spreading to her toes and hand.

I call the pediatrician and she says there is nothing they can do beyond what I am currently doing. Just to keep her hydrated and tylenol. I told her that Abby threw up twice Sunday and she said if she throws up again they need to see her. I wanted to ask her, so if this was your kid there is nothing you would do/prescribe to make her feel an ounce better? (Sure lady, nothing you can do.... relieve my kids pain a bit, will you?) Last night Abby throws up at 8 pm (of course after pediatrician hours) and even though she was howling in pain most of the time we were trying to get her to sleep, she did sleep (out of pure exhaustion I am sure) for a 4 hour stretch and then another 3 1/2 hour stretch. During those two stretches (at 3:15 am) we went downstairs to play. She was happily playing in her area, that I blocked in with the couch and my body, and I fell asleep. I wake up around 5 am to see Abby cuddling up against me and sharing the pillow with me. Poor baby. So tired.

So today has been a little better; she is just in so much pain. She keeps bringing me new diapers to change. She keeps scratching at her scab filled face. She keeps looking at me and wondering "why aren't you helping me mommy."

It sucks. It is so sad. I don't know why there isn't a vaccine or something out there to combat/alleviate this.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Anyone.

I can't imagine having a chronically ill child.I am so blessed to have 3 healthy little ladies. So blessed.

Here is a picture or two from yesterday. They have even gotten worse and more dense. Sorry about the butt shot but I have to show you the blisters. YUCK.

There are probably over 10 open blisters on her butt. Has to feel like her butt is on fire.... I can't imagine.

Wish us well today at the doctor. Of course I have to wake her from her nap to get her there; no fair.


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