Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy 8 months old!

*Sleeping was good this month considering she was sick with a cough, cold or virus over half of the time. IT feels like just when she gets back to sleeping through the night, she gets sick and is back to waking up once a night. I really shouldn't complain because it's only once a night but it sure is nice when she sleeps! She is going to bed around 7-7:30 and waking around 7ish. She sleeps with Elmo and Abby Cadabby in her crib.
*Napping is going well. Since we are constantly on the go, she has gotten really good to sleeping in the car seat and staying asleep in it once we get home. She is pretty good at putting herself to sleep (after I sing you are my sunshine 3 times and watching her rainforest crib light) and can produce naps ranging from 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours. Sometimes she naps one long and one short nap and other days she naps 3 short naps. She still sleeps in a sleep sack and has been waking up on her belly a lot this month!
*She still eats like a champ. Absolutely LOVES mum mums and finger foods. She eats all veggies, fruits and meats that I have prepared for her. She has tried almost everything I can think of that is appropriate for her age and the only thing she doesn't like are green beans. I am still making all her food. She starts kicking when she sees me preparing her meals or getting her snacks.
*She nurses around 4-5 times a day; usually every 4 hours. She is probably taking around 7-8 ounces a feeding. She eats breakfast, lunch and dinner usually an hour or so after a nursing.
*Her favorite things are her sisters, Elmo, Elmo books, mirrors, coco the monkey and sophie the giraffe, the pop up playcenter, music band, her guitar, Elmo dominos and container and her chewable books.
*She is not crawling yet but scooting backwards. She is so laid back and calm and really shows no motivation to crawl (which is absolutely ok in my eyes!!!)
*She can stand alone for a couple of seconds and can stand leaning against furniture for a long, long time. She is not yet pulling up.
*She has said "hi," "mama," "dada," and "mum mum."
*She waves all the time
*She smiles all the time
* She has her two front bottom teeth. She is always putting stuff in my mouth so maybe the next ones are coming!!!
*She likes to do "so big" but does not do it consistently. She did it for the first time on our road trip back from Colorado in Wakeeny Kansas!
*She loves rough play, especially super baby. She is also VERY ticklish under her armpits and on her side.
 *She loves music and when she hears it she rocks back and forth with a HUGE smile!
*She is lifting her arms up and reaching for me when I go to pick her up

Such a good and sweet baby girl! She's just perfect!

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