Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sesame Street Live

Daddy had received free tickets from the bank his company uses so this morning the 5 of us headed out to see Elmo and the gang. The bank was sponsoring the show so we even got passes to the VIP pre-party.

When I had told Anna and Ashley yesterday that we were going to see Sesame Street Live (and even meet some characters) they said, "Oh. Abby will be excited." And then they went on with their day. Now I didn't think they'd jump through the roof excited like they do for Frozen and Princesses but some excitement was anticipated. Nope, none.

We were running late to the preparty (Ashley had had a bad night sleep so we let her sleep in until 8:30 and the pre show started at 9 at the Sprint Center) but made it in time. We got to meet Elmo and Cookie Monster, do some coloring activities, drink blue punch and eat fruit and cookies. When we met Elmo and Cookie the girls were a little tentative, but not Abby. She sat on Elmo's lap all alone without her sisters and gave the BIGGEST smile! I was bummed because there was a photographer there and he took her picture alone so I didn't. I figured they would send out a link to view the pictures but instead they printed one out for us. And the one they printed out was of the 3 girls and we didn't end up getting the ADORABLE one of Abby smiling HUGE in Elmo's lap. Oh well, next time I will just be that annoying mom taking pictures over the photographers shoulder like normal :) Then we got to go to our seats that were on floor level in the 5th row.

Well the girls were right about Abby; she loved it. She was super excited and was bouncing while standing on my lap the entire show and cooing and cawing and even waving. It was super cute to see her so into it. We knew she loved her Elmo doll and her Sesame Street figurines but didn't think Sesame Street Live would be appropriately enjoyed by a 7 month old. We were wrong..... She last all by the last 15 minutes of the show where she falls asleep in my arms watching Elmo during the loudest part of the show.

The older two enjoyed the show, Anna more then Ashley. Which makes us laugh because the show is probably geared towards Ashley's age kids. They both gave it a two thumbs up but next year if we get the tickets I think it's just going to be an Abby date.

Even though it was a 4 hour ordeal, we had a blast!

Much Love,

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