Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Anna and Elsa

OBSESSED. OR maybe it's disillusioned.... but whatever it is, my kids are it.

They are over the moon in love with the movie frozen's two main charactors- Anna and Elsa. Since the saw the movie two weeks ago it's all they want to play. Anna usually pretends that she is Anna and Ashley pretends that she is Elsa, but they frequently switch off. I am usually assigned the part of Olaf and Daddy gets Kristoff. They then act out different parts of the movie, mostly just playing the two of them. I am not kidding when I say they will be so engage with this play that they totally forget about Abby and me (which is a nice break!)

I didn't think the level of play could go up any more. But then I introduced them to the soundtrack with all the music and it's INSANE. We wake up and BOOM the music starts and go until nap and then back on until night night. They act out all of the 8 singing songs and mimic what the characters do in the moive (that they've only seen once but have seen some parts on youtube). They have pretty much perfected the moves to the main song Let it Go and it is a hoot to watch. The faces alone. I think the last 3 days they have spent at least 6 hours a day singing and dancing and they pretty much know all the words (Ashley too!)

Here they are in the homemade outfits of Anna and Elsa!!!

Anna as Elsa (if you've seen the movie, notice that she has gloves on and the serious expression!!!)

 Even Abby got to be Else
 Ashley as Elsa (once again the glove, snowflake and serious face!)
 Anna as Else again
 Ann as Elsa and Ashley as Anna acting out the duet

 Anna "climbing" the mountain as Elsa

OH I just love these kids. They are certainly reminding me or myself after seeing Disney movies!!!

Much Love,

PS They are going to flip out Christmas morning... that is all I have to say :)

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