Friday, January 18, 2013

23 months old

Long, long overdue. I have had everything written down on paper but not the energy to type it all up. So here is the update. Happy last month of being 1 Ashley!!!! I can't believe my baby is almost 2. CRAZY.

*Sleeping great! At night I am going to bed completely on my own and at naps I am falling asleep quickly in my lap while drinking my milk. I am not waking up at early anymore... more around 6:30ish. Still napping around 2 hours during the day. I am a very heavy breather when I sleep.

*I love to eat fruit, yogurt and cheese. Especially cheese!

*I love books (especially princess ones, doc mcstuffins and tinker bell), I love movies, playing with babies, anything to do with snow white, doc mcstuffins, minnie mouse and tinker bell. I love my bear and my doc mcstuffins lambie. I love razzing Anna and doing whatevevr she is doing at the momment. I still love doing puzzles and have managed to complete a 48 piece jigsaw puzzle of Doc McStuffins entirely on my own.

*I give the best hugs and kisses (when I want to).

*I love singing songs. When mommy sings any song I know and leaves out words, I often fill them in for her. She is amazed at how many of the words I know. I am usually always singing, humming or making up words to songs that mommy doesn't know. I also sing songs she does know like Frosty, Anything is possible, Twinkle, Twinkle and so on.

*I am becoming a very good tattletale on Anna. Pretty much, don't mess with me, I will tell on you in a very dramatic way.

*I love to say "goofy Ashley" and  "Crazy Ashley" when I do something funny.

*I love to say, "Member Mommy," For Remember mommy! I use it when saying things like.... "member mommy. bite. snow white. queen. apple. nice (shaking head no.)" That is the best example of how I talk in broken sentences to get an idea across.

*I am a huge after nap cuddler and early morning cuddler. I love having this time alone just to cuddle with my mommy. I am a cuddle monkey!

*count 1-12 and recognize about half of them when I see them numerically

*ABCOW are the letters I recognize when I see them

*colors- I point to the right ones when asked but when asked to tell you what they are, I can identify almost all the colors of the rainbow. I sometimes call yellow "feel" and love to call all the colors "red" or "blue" just for fun! It drives mommy and Anna bonkers!

*I love to boogie! I do the funniest dance moves and I am super serious when I dance. I just love dancing!

*I have started the bad habit of biting my nails and hangnails. Mommy hopes this is a short lived habit so that I am not biting my nails when I am 32 like her!


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