Monday, March 5, 2012

Can I get a woot woot?!?!

Today I made my lifetime goal at Weight Watchers- WOOT WOOT!

I am super proud because there have been many attempts at WW throughout the years and for the first time I finally got it! I am proud to say I have lost 46.5 pounds since joining; 65 pounds since the height of my pregnancy with Ashley. Yup, all the baby weight is gone!

Now I am just working on slowly throughout time getting closer to my wedding weight which is around 7 pounds away and toning up my body flab at the gym.

It was a long journey, around a year, but I made it! Now cheers to keepng it off, no more yo-yo-ing!!!

Much Love,


  1. Congrats Jenny! I bet it felt good to see that goal number on the scale!

  2. yay for you! what better way to celebrate than a trip to Italy!!!!!

  3. Congrats! You've worked hard & it has paid off ... hope you are treating yourself to something fabulous now that you've made your goal!
