Sunday, May 29, 2011

WW Update

3 months in and I have done great on Weight Watchers! I am currently down 20.4 pounds from when I joined and have lost over 10% of my body weight. Eating is going really well- the plan is awesome and makes eating pretty east- except for when I want to devour a bowl of cheese dip or Cheetos or ice cream...... But the plan allows me to have a little of those so I guess it's better then nothing! This past week was my only week where I have gained weight- 4/10 a pound- but I thought it was going to be much worse of a gain considering I ate strawberry shortcake twice, strawberry pie, chinese, mexican, chipolte and ribs. Oh and add in some extra handfuls of doritos and cheetos! But what ya gonna do?!?!

In total, I am a little over 40 pounds down from my heaviest pregnancy weight and feeling great! I just unpacked my non pregnancy clothes from last Spring and it feels so good to be wearing some normal clothes- even though I can't wait to get into my skinny clothes again!

My goal is to lose 25 more pounds on WW so hopefully I will have more weight loss to post 3 months from now! I am looking into joining jazzercise, so we will see how that goes!

Much Love and wish me luck,


  1. Congrats! Wondering if I should sign up again (ugh) this summer ... and surprise people when I show back up to work in August. It's so hard for me to stick to the plan in the summer ... I want to enjoy meals out with friends and fun snacks at the pool :(
    Keep it up ... you're doing GREAT!

  2. i know bets- it's never fun! let me know if you join- i could be you encouraging buddy!!!
