Monday, May 23, 2011

20 months old

 Here's what I"ve been up to the last month.... Mommy thinks that I am starting to look more and more like a kid and not a toddler- she says she thinks I sure am looking older but will always be her baby girl!!

*I am still sleeping good. Around 12 hours at night and one 1 1/2 hour nap or longer.
*New food that I like- almonds! Mommy hovers over me when I eat them and reminds me to chew chew chew! I am a very healthy eater- when we were eating fried green beans this past weekend I pealed off the fried part and just ate the green bean- mommy and daddy thought I was crazy!!!!
*I am such a monkey.... I love climbing in, on and around anything. Mommy and Grandma couldn't believe it when I climbed into Grandma and Papa's tree swing all by myself.
*I am a wild dare devil. Mommy thinks I will always have a bruise or a scrape on me (I call boo boos "daddys" since I got my first one on both knees with daddy).
*I love taking care of my baby and any animal. I burp them, feed them, sush them, wipes and changes their diapers and give them baths. I also dance with them.
*I am talking so much! People are only understanding about half of what i say... but at least i know what I am saying!!!! Mommy loves how I say "I luv _____" and "I yike ______" to just about everything.
*I love to dance, spin, twirl, hop (obsessed with hopping) and walk sideways.
*If given the opportunity to climb up and down stairs, I would do it everyday
*My hair is getting curly. In Austin it was humid and I had several spiral curls by my neck- it looked like mommy's curls
*I still love books and watching Barney and Mickey
*Every time I put on a skirt or dress, I think I am a princess and hum the "ah ah ahhhh, ah ah ah ahhh" princess Aerial song and do twirls with my hands in the air
*I have attempted to climb out of the crib and now have to sleep in a sleep sack every time I am in it
*I like to clean up and say "keen" every time I do it. Mommy has to remind me thought because I get too excited to do the next thing. I even clean up after mommy and daddy sometimes!
*I still give the best kisses (since I was like 7 months)! Aunt Anne says I give the wettest kisses too!
*I have said my name a couple of times, but mostly call myself "A."
*I love to dress myself and try to put on skirts, pants and even shirts on my legs! I can get them on and almost pulled up but my bottom gets in the way :)
*Whenever I see letters, I say "A" and "E."
Life is going pretty good! I am a goofy and happy little girl who certainly loves life!


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