Wednesday, February 23, 2011

17 months old

Here's what I've been up to the past month!

*I became a BIG sister!
*I can snap the buckle on my booster seat and do it EVERY TIME I get out of it after eating!
*I like to hold mommy's camera up to my face and say "heeese!"
*I had a very bad cold- two actually- and spent most of my last month with a runny nose.
*I can reach the light switch on the stairs and I love to turn the light on and off.
*I try to blow bubbles in the bathtub and sometimes choke on the water by breathing in accidentally. I love water!
*When I laugh I cover my mouth and sometimes lean over to giggle!
*When I want you to walk with me, I grab your hand and say "waa." I also say "waa" for water (and I say "ahhhhh" when I want a drink).
*When I say "uh oh" or am looking for something I can't find, I shrug my shoulders. Mommy LOVES this!
*I have started to pretend to be a doggy. I like to crawl around the kitchen and pant like a dog. I even try to eat Peanut's food but I get in BIG time trouble when I do that!
*I love grapefruit and when I eat it with mommy I tell her to "eeeze" it so I can drink the juice. When she squeezes the juice out, I pretend to squeeze my hands too!
*I have started to cluck my tongue.
*I am have added "all done" to my collection of signs.
*I love drinking out of mommy's hospital mug. I drink LOTS of water this way.
*I like to help mommy in the kitchen and when she asks if I want to help, I push a kitchen chair up to the counters and say "yeah."
*I LOVE to try to put diapers on my big teddy bear. I am pretty good at wiping his bottom with wipes too. 
*The foods I LOVE are: turkey lunch meat, white cheddar mac and cheese, hot dogs, tofu, beans- black and chili ones, avocado, hummus, red pepper, cheese- ANY cheese, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, apples, bananas, GOLDFISH, dipping cinnamon toast crunch in milk, Whole milk (I still drink 3 whole sippy cups a day!) and Reese peanut butter cups. YUMMM!
*Lambie and bunny are still my besties.... BIG Teddy Bear is getting up there too!
*I LOVE watching Barney! I try to get mommy to let me watch it at least once a day!
*My favorite toys/things to play with and do are:  Baby Dolls, Music and Dancing, Mega Blocks, Balls, Walking Outside, Coloring, Rough housing in my tent, Books, Cooking in my Kitchen and washing my hands!
*I am still sleeping great! Around 11-12 hours at night and about an hour and a half to 2 hour nap midday. Mommy know that when I wake up talking to my animals or singing that I will be in a good mood. If I wake up crying....  that's another story!


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