Monday, August 24, 2015

Ashleys First Soccer Game

Ashley woke up ready to play. She was so, so, so excited to play soccer....

She did warm ups with Daddy....

The game started. And then it hit her.....

She was actually playing in a game........

You can't see it here but she was basically crying and running the entire 3-4 minutes she was out there.....

And then coach talked to her.....

And all she wanted was to be by us on the sidelines...

Luckily the whistle blew and subs went in. Ashley ran to us crying her eyes out. She did not want to play soccer. She did not like it!! I hugged her and let her tell us why she was crying but after a couple minutes I told her to think back earlier when she wanted to play soooooo badly. I then told her I wasn't going to let her quit after a couple of minutes of playing; she wanted to sign up so she has to finish the game/season. She then tells me she is afraid she will never score a goal or even kick the ball. I told her I didn't care if she ever kicked the ball or scored, I just wanted her playing on the field with her team. And then I told her that she was the fastest runner on the field (which she was). She smiled at me and asked if she really was the fastest. I told her both the fastest runner AND skipper. This got her a little more excited. But then she told me she still didn't want to play because she was so thirsty and needed a really cold drink. I told her that her water bottle was as good as I could do but if she went in and played more that I was sure I could find something colder for her after the game. Her ears perked up and she said, "Sonic slurpees????" Once again, I told her that I would find something cold for her after the game if she played. A minute later when subs were called she was rearing to go.

She ran out there and, believe it or not, kicked the ball. She actually ran up to a girl and kicked it away from her. She looked at me and smiled....

It's amazing what one little (big) kick can do for a kid..... She continued to play until the game was over and this is what we saw at the end of the game....

A little red faced girl who told me, "I love soccer!!! I want to play next time too! Can we get a slurpee now?"

So proud of you Ashley. So proud of sticking with something when it seems scary or tough. Mommy is proud of you for getting out there and playing; I could care less if you scored a goal or even kicked the ball. So proud of you Ash Ash.

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