Tuesday, August 25, 2015

27 months old

 Happy 27 months big stuff :)

Was excited to capture the one above since most of the time she was giving me goofy face or moving at a speed where it was all blurry.

Blurry but I love the one below :)

Here's what she has been up to since turning 2 :)

*Sucking on her fingers when she gets tired or when she is trying to calm herself down.
*Talking more and more. She really only says things we know/understand. She is beginning to repeat words back when asked but this rarely happens. She is starting to sing the alphabet with the right sounds. She still uses tons of gestures/animal sounds/associated words (like lala for baby) in place of words she could easily say. Pretty frustrating but she is moving in the right direction. Slowly moving but moving...
*Puts on her own underwear (even though most of the time it's a backward wedgie!)
*Attempts to (and is usually successful) at dressing herself
*Loves to fill cups up with water from the refrigerator. We have recently started to lock the water dispenser since she does it so much.
*Sleeping great. This child LOVES to sleep. Usually wakes after 8 and goes to bed before around 8 at night. She takes a 1- 1 1/2 hour midday nap daily. When she wakes up in the morning she usually stays in her crib for up to 30 minutes; I think she secretly loves this time alone.
*Sleeps with all her soft toys and lala (baby), blankey and pillow. Still is in a sleepsack. She has usually taken it off by morning.
*Has not attempted to climb out of crib so still in crib
*Loves to brush her teeth and does so daily.
*Loves to lotion her body up with lotion (or anything looking like lotion) so hide the lotion bottles
*She is a normal 2 year old picky eater. Her favorites are: cheese, turkey rolls, PBJ sandwich, chips, peaches, blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, yogurt smoothies, muffins.
*She is SO loud. She may not have many words but WOW is she loud.
*She loves to cuddle.
*Absolutely adores "nanny and a-eee" (Anna and Ashley)
*Loves to swing outside in swings
*Is pretty go with the flow Can throw a major fit if needed but most of the time she's a pretty chill kid.
*Loves to dance to music and do somersaults
*Loves to jump off things. Loves to jump into pools, off of chairs, anything. She is by far our most adventurous (and the one I vote will break an arm first) when it comes to rough housing. Still loves to "dackle" (tackle) us.
*Loves to cut with scissors, color with markers/crayons, use glue, use tape and immerse herself in our art room just like sissies.
*Recently she has had lots of fun packing for "bye bye" and "home." She literally takes as much stuff as she can find and shoves it into her play backpack and suitcase. Then she looks at us and says, "bye bye" or "home."
*Loves baby dolls, playing kitchen, magnatiles, kinetic sand, play dough and stickers
*Is really good at independent play and playing alongside big sisters.
*When she wants something, you know!
*Love books; especially when you read to her in her pink chair
*Loves Doc McStuffins and Mickey and Friends the most

We love you Abby. You make us laugh, smile and enjoy life :)

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