Monday, May 17, 2010


Yesterday, mommy, daddy and I went to my FIRST baseball game!

Before we left the apartment daddy was telling me EVERYTHING I needed to know about the game of baseball and let me tell you- he REALLY loves it!

There was so much going on at the Wichita State Shocker Baseball game.... so many people to watch, smells to smell, noises to hear and oh of course watching the game! When something good would happen, people would clap SO loud that at first it startled me but then I really liked it!

We stayed for 2 1/2 hours of the game and left when they were losing 10-2. It was pretty chilly out and by the end of the game I had on two sweatshirts!

Mommy thought it was so funny because she was trying to get pictures of my not looking at the camera, but she didn't fool me. RIGHT when she got that camera out I started "hamming" it up!


1 comment:

  1. You are so good in front of the camera Anna - such a cutie! We love you! Love, Aunt Anne, Uncle Todd and Kate xoxo
