Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby Stilley

We are happy to share with the blogging world that there is another bun in the Stilley oven!

Yep- we are pregnant with #2 and are SUPER excited!

We feel so blessed to be bringing another little one into the world. He/she is due February 19th and I am currently 15 weeks along in the pregnancy. He/She's due date is the same as cousin Kate's birthday. I asked Kate if she wouldn't mind sharing her birthday and OF COURSE she doesn't mind one bit :) So far everything looks healthy with the little man/girl. Mommy is feeling very tired- I remember my exhaustion lasting until 18 weeks with Anna.... hopefully I only have 3 more weeks of pregnancy exhaustion to go- I realize that soon two will make me even more tired!!!!!

We got to see the little man/girl at 10 weeks in our first sonogram. I was surprised that we would do a sonogram so early but the doctor was nervous that I was carrying twins. Since I was measuring much larger then he thought I should be, he wanted to be 100% sure that there is only one... and there is only one! Good thing or mom and dad, we would have been moving in :)

During the sonogram we got reassurance that not only was it one baby, but that it was growing and developing great. We saw the little heart beating and we even saw his/her tadpole tail! I have never seen a baby this small so it was pretty amazing! Anna was also in the room with us and she got to see her little brother/sister too. It was just as cool as the first time we saw little Anna.

Anna and Baby Stilley will be around 17 months apart and one school grade apart. In mommy's world, that is perfect! I always wanted my kids to be close in age so this thrills me even more :)

We went to our 15 week appointment and got to hear baby's heartbeat. The doctor was having a tough time finding the heartbeat, which was unsettling at first, but found the little one's heartbeat for just a minute because he/she was moving around like crazy. But a minute of hearing our baby's heartbeat was enough reassurance that he/she is doing great!

It's crazy to think that in 25 weeks we will have three kids (yes- peanut is our first baby). We feel so blessed and are so happy that our family is growing and healthy.

Much Love,

Enjoy sonogram pictures from our 10 week visit :)


  1. I had a feeling this post would be coming soon :)
    You know I think I'm psychic!
    CONGRATS to everyone ... can't wait to follow along via the blog!

  2. I wondered last time I read your blog when you'd be having another - congrats on your little blessing! Looking forward to hearing more!

  3. WOW! Congratulations, Jenny! How fun!
