Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Swimming routine

All three girls are taking swim lessons (as of March) and to make it easier on us I was able to find classes mostly back to back. Anna had moved up a level a month ago, throwing our entire schedule out of whack.

So now we can be found at the pool every Tuesday from 10:45-1:15. Yup. 2 1/2 hours straight. Abby swims first at 11 (sissies are in the pool playing), Ashley at 11:30 and Anna at 12:30. After Abby swims she then dries off on me and gets changed during Ashley's lesson. Then they all eat a sack lunch and bounce back and forth from resting and swimming- for 2 1.2 hours. Ashley is still swimming with Couch Kurt, Anna has Coach Noah and Abby has Coach Kurt.

I thought it would be a disaster, but the first weeks have gone exceptionally well. Abby loves to eat and is easily entertained (hence being an elephant with my straw below) so she is less of a mess then  thought she'd be. I just can't wait for her to be a bubble master so she can play after lessons like sissy!

Come May, Ashley is ending her lessons until late Fall. Ashley loves lessons and is improving so much but is at a perfect place to start summer swimming. She is in a class full of 5 and 5 1/2 year olds and keeping right up with them. Her coach says she's a little fish and just needs to work on her strength (which will come with age!) Anna will continue to swim Tuesdays with Noah at 12:30 and I will find a new time for Abby. We decided to keep Anna in lessons since she is doing swim team in May and is growing so well/fast in her swimming under Noah. And for the mere fact that she absolutely LOVES it! She will probably end lessons the end of May or June.

We sure do have a family of little fishes!

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