Wednesday, April 15, 2015

22 months old

Happy 22 months Abby!!!!!

*What a personality. You are one funny little kid :) You get so excited over the little things and it's so refreshing (and tiring).
*Tantrums are pretty common around here. Complete meltdowns paired with laying on the floor, screaming and kicking. They are pretty short.
*Extremely independent; picks out her own diaper, wipes and clothes in the morning, demands to put own her own shoes, demands to buckle herself into her car, get in/out of her car seat, change her own diaper, wipe her own bottom, climb down the garage stairs, climb into the car, drive the Princess Jeep alone, brush her own hair, pick out her pajamas/sleepsack, pick out her own baba... and the list goes on. She is an extremely opinionated little lady :) 
*I've never known someone to talk so much and say so little!!! This child talks and babbles and talk ALL day long. Seriously. And if someone is talking, she just talks louder! She has added some words to her vocab but for the most part she's pretty hard to understand. Her most used words: Mommy, Daddy, Brober (Brother), Hot Dog, Up, rash (trash), Ah Ah (Anna), Ay Ay (Ashley), cheese, baba (drink), num num (food), au don (all done), eek, appull (apple), dank doo (thank you), peas (please), boo (book),  and bye. Her most common sentence- "ugh ahh ewww mommy... uh ah eeeeeee." And her most favorite word, "MINE!"
*Starting to give/demand kissing hands when saying good bye to the girls at school and goodnight to everyone for nap/bedtime.
*Eating well. Not a huge veggie eater (Sweet potato, edamame and carrots are pretty much all the veggies she eats). She's growing so much so I know she's eating well :)
*Sleeping great. Usually gets around 11-12 hours a night and a 1-1 1/2 hour afternoon nap around 2 pm. Loves sleeping with lala (baby doll), blankie and fishie (she makes a fish sound for his name). She also prefers to sleep in the monkey (who who ha ha) sleep sack. Her newest thing is saying they are all smelly and dirty and need to be washed. She plugs her nose and says "ewwww" and then runs them to the laundry room. Even after I clean them she claims they are still dirty :)
*As independent and opinionated as she is, she really goes with the flow. She is constantly dragged places for her sissies and does a great job as long as I give her attention, brings food and fun.
*She is constant. It;s refreshing but wow is it tiring :)
*Loves anything Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Favorite movie, favorite song (hot dog), favorite books all revolved around the Mouse and his gang :)
*Love to put on her shoes; on the wrong feet!!!!!
*I like to hoot like an owl, quack like a duck, say hop like a bunny, pant like a dog, oink like a pig and baaa like a sheep!
*Has the BEST facial expressions. I love when she sings a song; she has so much sass!!!
*I am really good at puzzles. 
*I love sweets.
*It is so hard to get her to smile for pictures; it has always been work getting her to smile at the right time. This makes for taking many, many pictures in hopes of getting a decent one :)
*So fun to watch her mimic her big sissies. She is constantly trying to mimic their actions, dance moves, words and all out craziness. It is pretty cute :)

We love you Abby!  Can't believe you'll be 2 in 2 months! eek!


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