Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Firefly Forest

Last week the girls and I decided to check out "Firefly Forest." If you haven't heard of this place, it's behind Deanna Rose and is home to many fairy houses. Since the girls are super into the Fairy Magic books I thought it would be a perfect place to bring them.

When we got there everyone was so excited!! The place even felt magical :) As we walked we noticed many silver stars hanging with sayings written on them but not many fairy houses. We came across a little green door home that was on a tree hole but no fairy houses. So I started asking the avid walkers and bikers that passed us and found out that within the last two weeks the houses had been horrible vandalized (bored kids in summertime) and most of the stuff had been cleared out.

My girls were super disappointed but I quickly saved the day by asking them if the goblins did this. See, the goblins are the bad guys n the Fairy Magic books and the girls totally bought into it! They couldn't believe the goblins wrecked everything and they were very concerned with where the fairies were going to live and wanted to make a fairy house of their own in our backyard.

So we collected sticks from the fairy forest and headed home to make a magical fairy garden of our own!

The next day they wanted to show Daddy the forest so we took him. To our surprise there was more stuff there that the girls got to discover that wasn't there to day before. The girls totally ate this all up and thought it was awesome :)

Anna and Ashley both commented on how magical the whirlpool was :)

The next day with Daddy.....

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