Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Little Mermaid and Co

Happy Halloween!

This year we all decided (okay, Anna decided) to dress up as the characters in The Little Mermaid. Anna = Ariel
Ashley = Max the Puppy Dog
Abby = Sebastian the crab
Daddy= Prince Eric
Mommy = Ursula

We started the evening at a 5 o'clock neighborhood party and around 6:00 headed to the Horton's for trick or treating. We had a blast!

Much Love,

PS Dressing 3 kiddos for Halloween this year was quite the task. Or should I say dressing Ashley was a task. She had been wearing her puppy dog costume with no complaint all week and then 5 minutes before we were leaving to go to Kate's she takes it off and proclaimed that she wanted to be Ariel. I don't know what happened or what Daddy said to get her in her puppy dog suit but all was well once again....

Prince Eric and his Puppy Dog Max
Ariel, Eric and Max
Ariel and Prince Eric
Ariel and Ursula
I LOVE Anna's expression here---- "WOW- Crazy mom!"

My costume was thrown together that day at 2 pm using old maternity clothes and a lot of safety pins. I really need to learn how to sew :)
Off we go!

My neighbor down the street was also Ursula. She was pretty, I was not :) Typical costume for me :)

Tired, tired puppy dog who had no nap that day....

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