Saturday, November 2, 2013

5 months old

Happy 5 months old Abby!
Yup.... every month after this is going to be hard to capture a good pic... she is already on the move (trying to sit up, eat the paper and falling forward!!!)

Here's what she was up to this month
*Sleeping great. At night she goes down around 7:30/8 and wakes once during the night. She usually wakes for good by 8 am. 4 nights this month she slept over 12 hours straight. One morning I had to wake her up at the 13 hour mark to get the other girls to preschool. She is taking great naps (when in her crib). It is getting harder and harder to be on the go and have her nap well. She usually naps every 2- 3 hours 3 times a day. Her naps vary in length from a shorter hour nap in the morning, to a longer 2-3 hours nap in the afternoon and a shorter 45 min nap in the evening. Sometimes she takes a really long 3 hour morning nap and just one hour one in the late afternoon. she is a really good napper.
*She is still swaddled at night and at nap time.
*For the most part she is being nursed to sleep at night and every since starting cereal she has been being nursed before naps since her nursing schedule is so off with cereal and 3 naps a day.
*She loves her food. She has tried oatmeal, sweet peas, green beans, avocado, pumpkin and apples. She is not a fan of green beans and loves the others. The introduction of food has made her poop pretty hard for her to get out so we are starting on fruits to soften it up :)
*She can sit like a tripod and with her arms straight on the ground holding herself up.
*Her legs are getting so strong. She can stand for a couple seconds while leaning up against the couch. She can also go from back to standing up when I pull her up up up to stand.
*She's cooing and cawing so much. Pretty sure she said "ma ma" the other day.
*She can pull herself to a sitting position when on my lap
*She giggles and gives the best smiles to Anna and Ashley. She just loves them.
*I think she went in the baby swing once this month. Not because she dislikes it but she is so easy going she would rather do tummy time or back time when I am doing something.
*She loves picking up toys and bringing them right up to her mouth. She also loves tummy time and laying on her back and swatting at toys that hang down on her play yard. She also loves the Bumbo during dinner time.
*She loves to cuddle with mommy and daddy.
*She loves to be carried on my hip. She also loves to sit on my knees and be patted on the back (she has fallen asleep quite a few times like this).
*She is such a sweet, perfect, loving, go with the flow little baby. She is just darling!
Much Love,

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